Saturday, April 7, 2012

Easter Eggs

Most of us remember dying eggs as kids.  We have all bought the little PET kits and spent time making our eggs bright and colorful.  Todays eggs are extremely creative.  I thought I would share some very creative, but simple ideas.  As a mom of two, two year olds I don't have the time to sit and paint eggs all day.  So the first idea I wanted to was that you do not have to go out an buy kits.  You could actually use some things already in your pantry.  Check out Learning To Coupon's blog about how to use Kool Aide to dye your eggs.  Look how great these turned out!
The next site teaches you how to use things around your house (i.e. rubber bands and stickers) how to make your eggs multi-colored with adorable patterns.  Skip To My Lou has some wonderful ideas.

Finally I have to share Easter Things I Love Pinning blog.  The author had a wonderful idea of using plastic eggs and decoupaging them with glitter.  She has a step by step process on her site. Look at the finished project!
Can you believe these are plastic eggs?  Well hope you got some inspirations!  Hope everyone has a fantastic Easter!

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